Saturday, April 6, 2013

How Much?

           Early days in elementary school, the singing was heard.  Children not yet having learned to carry a tune seemed to have no problem singing these words in tune.
            “How much is that doggie in the window?”
            “The one with the waggly tail.  Arf!  Arf!”
            And so the song goes.  But as far as beyond those two familiar sentences, the song never seemed to go any further.  This song was recorded December 18, 1953.  On April 4, 1953 the song went to number one in U.S. Billboard magazine.  It was sung by Patti Page.
            I don’t believe there was anyone in the early fifties who did not know of this song.  They may never have known all the words, but they knew of it.  If you did not hear it yourself on the radio, you heard someone signing it.  If someone sings a certain song, it almost always has the other person singing that song as well.  It is kind of a catchy tune that you can’t get out of your mind once it is planted there.  I was one of those children back then and I sure sang it enough myself.  And today, I can be standing at a window inside a pet store looking at puppies inside a window and burst into that song.  The arf I make I am hoping will encourage them to arf back.  It is our way of communicating.
            In later years, numerous dogs songs have been written.  Those from “You’re nothing but a Hound Dog” to “Who let the Dogs out?” And the list is a long one.  But still my favorite is that first one I heard back in the fifties.  Arf!  Arf!
            Perhaps as a dog lover, you too have a favorite dog song.  Perhaps you even sing to your dog.  There would be nothing strange about that.  Holding a puppy in your arms and hugging a grown dog can bring about emotional feelings and expressions of love.  It would not be unusual to begin singing.  Dog lovers are not without talking to their pet already anyway.
            I have owned numerous dogs.  I have been around numerous dogs.  I have been known to talk to them.  And yes, even sing to them.  I have yet to write that number one song about a dog.  But it doesn’t keep me from dreaming.

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