Friday, March 22, 2013

Sergeant Phooey

                The year was 1968.  There was a war going on in Viet Nam.  The war touched many lives.  I was touched by a brother sent to serve.  He constantly wanted to hear from family back in the United States.  From the time I wrote him, he constantly pleaded not to stop writing.  I guess it is that way with any soldier sent off to a far off land.  He wants to hear from someone in his beloved states.  I can imagine the home sickness that comes.  When off to college, I pleaded for mail and I was just 40 miles away.
                I wrote my brother every chance I got.  My letters said little of nothing, but probed to satisfy him.  In appreciation, for which he did not have to do, he went to the PX and sent me home a gift.  It was a Marine bull dog.  It was to symbolize the Marine mascot.  I fell in love with that bull dog from the start.  Although he was not real, he was treated as such.  He was not only a mascot, but he became a symbol of love and appreciation from my brother.
                A stuffed animal given to anyone can have different meaning.  There is a stuffed animal from an amusement park given to a girlfriend, etc. etc.  Here is a list could go on and on.  But in my case, it was a stuffed animal sent to me from someone in a war.  I named the dog.  I gave him a name that I would always remember.  And what ever happened to my dog of which I named Sergeant Phooey?  I carried him in all my moves of apartments, and eventual buying a home.  And to this day, I am puzzled to whatever happened to him.  He suffered wear and tear from so much love given.  I had other stuffed animals that met the same demise.  As I had children, they were given chores.  And I believed that one clean-up day while I was at work, they all got tossed in the garbage.  It was a sad ending to a treasured item that carried so much sentimental value.  But I am reminded of the fact that he was only a material item.  He in all reality can be replaced.  But the memory of the expression of love he brought can’t.  And it is that which remains with me today.  I gave him a name that I will always remember………Sergeant Phooey!

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