Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Abby is Ten Years Old

     Recently, one of our beloved family pets passed away.  It was one of our cats and she was thirteen years old.  The story is too fresh and raw for me to get into detail.  When she died, I looked around at our remaining pets, including our dog, Abby.  I couldn't help but think to myself, "One day, they will go, too." The sadness the thought brought was overwhelming.
     We have placed stories of Abby on this blog before.  She is our yellow Labrador retriever.  She has been a vital member of our family for ten years and three months.  My boys have grown up with her.  She isn't tied to a stake outside.  She lives indoors.  She sleeps beside us.  Sometimes, we have to nudge her off of the couch so we will have a place to sit!  When we eat, she patiently sits nearby hoping for a handout.  She is well-behaved but very spoiled.  I don't mean to be depressing, but did you know that the life expectancy of a Labrador Retriever is ten to twelve years old?  I know that her time with us will end someday.  Perhaps it will not be for another ten years.  One can always hope!
     It was three weeks after the cat died before I had the chance to see my best human friend, Marie, and tell her what happened with the cat.  There were tears when I told the story and it brought up memories of lost pets in both of our lives over the years.  We talked about how much harder it is to see an animal get sick or die through our kids' eyes-- how we wish we could spare them the pain. 
     And then a curious thing happened.  My friend, Marie said, "I worry about your family when Abby goes," and Marie's eyes got watery. 
     I said, "I know......hey?....are you crying?"
     She nodded and wiped her eyes.  "I just know how much Abby means to you all and I know it will be hard for all of you.  Heck, I even love Abby."
     I said, "No, you can't cry, too.  What if I need you to be the one to take her to the vet if she needs to be put down?  Because we won't be able to do it."
     She said, "I will do it for you if it needs to be done.  I will do it for you.  Because I know it will be too hard for you,"  and she wiped her eyes again. 
     I was reassured of two things.  She knows how Abby really is a part of our family.  She can empathize with us because she has a family and pets of her own.  I realized that anyone who really knows us well knows just how valuable Abby is to us.  It's transparent.  It's REAL.  And the other realization...that Marie is a true friend.  How many of us can say we are so blessed?

(This was written by my daughter, Karen.)

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