The tricks that my son managed to teach him before growing tired of his project were sit, shake (paw), lay down, roll over, crawl, up (stands on 2 legs), and hug (puts paws on the person's chest). He is really cute and will do these tricks more readily if we have a treat or a squeaky toy as a reward when he is done.
HOWEVER, if you dare come into the room with a REALLY GOOD treat such as a slice of pepperoni or a piece of hamburger or a BRAND new rubber squeaky toy, Lewis will go nuts in anticipation. He will immediately sit, lay down, roll over, crawl, roll over.....he will run through the tricks he knows best and do them really fast over and over until you give him the treat. It's pretty funny. I guess you could say that he is a dog of many tricks.
(This story was written by my daughter, Karen.)