Monday, October 16, 2017

When is the Right Time?

     When is the right time to replace an old dog that has passed away with a new one?  I was pondering this question when one of my neighbors had to say goodbye to her 13 year old Boston terrier.  It was a sad time.  It's been a whole year since I said goodbye to my 12 year old Labrador.  I told my neighbor that she may not want to hear it, but from my experience, having a new puppy come in to my home a mere two weeks after my dog passed truly helped me heal.  She waited two weeks and now has had a new tiny Boston terrier for 2 days. It's nice to see her smiling again.
     Sometimes if I dwell on a thought long enough, I might take a poll on social media.  In this instance, I posed my question on Facebook.  And this is what happened...

 IF you have had a dog that was an important part of the family, and it died long did you wait to get another dog? What do you feel is an appropriate amount of time to wait? There is no right or wrong answer.
Top of Form

MFS The sooner the better
October 10 at 1:18pm

ME: I don't think I could have gotten another dog after Abby died last year. I would have kept coming up with excuses not to. Thankfully, Steve brought me Lewis. It was only 2 weeks after she died, but I wouldn't trade my Lewis for anything in the world.
 October 10 at 1:22pm

NBD: You can not replace the old dog but you can love a new one at any time.
October 10 at 1:25pm

JC: Immediately
October 10 at 1:30pm

BH: We have almost always had at least two dogs, it makes it a little easier but it can be hard on the surviving dog. Then you have to get another one to help that one!😊
October 10 at 1:46pm

RA: We knew that Sebastian was getting old, so we got another dog before he passed away. He helped train her to be a better dog. When he passed away, she comforted us and we comforted her. I think it helped us heal to be able to pet and love on her. Hope all that makes sense.
October 10 at 2:50pm

AH: I've never had a dog die on me yet, but I had to give one up. It was difficult, but I know I wanted another dog immediately, not to replace, but I love most dogs, so I wanted another one. I think I will feel similarly, when the time comes.
October 10 at 4:41pm

LKC: I think it depends on the person. I think you know when the time is right for you. Mamba has been gone three years and, while we still have Tessie, I couldn't bear the thought of getting another dog. I'm sure I'll feel the same when Tessie is gone. Not saying I would never have another one, but just not ready.
October 10 at 6:33pm

HSST: Everyone is different But as long as I am alive and able to care for them i will always have a critter of some sort. Death is a part of life and its hard ...very hard when you loose a pet. But my heart is big enough to give another animal a home. Even if I have one to die I can still turn around and get another to love and give a good home too.
October 10 at 6:58pm

CC: Sooner the better! I can't replace my old love but I can love another and the void wouldn't be as big! I would go crazy without a dog in my home!

October 10 at 11:29pm

ME; Thank you for your responses

     This is a real question I asked (you see at the top) and these are real responses.  I was actually surprised by how many said to get a new pup right away!  Of course, every person is different.  Every dog is different.  

(This was written by my daughter, Karen.)