Saturday, July 11, 2015

Training your dog

     This will be short.  We have all seen amazing dogs that can do tricks on television.  Nowadays, I suppose the place to see impressive dog tricks is on Youtube.  I've seen dogs that can open refrigerators and bring their owners a beer.  I've seen dogs that can ride scooters or fetch one toy by name from several toys laid out before them.  I have friends that have taught their dogs to shake hands.  My own dog's skills include sitting on command and "fetch."  But there is one skill I think EVERY DOG OWNER SHOULD TEACH THEIR DOG.  This is one skill that YOU SHOULD TEACH IF YOU TEACH NOTHING ELSE.  It's a bit of a pet peeve of mine.  Please teach your dog not to jump up on people. 
     When we got Abby, she was so little and so cute.  It didn't seem like such a bother to have her jump up on us in excitement.  But my husband said we had to be firm and not allow her to do such a thing because she would not stay little.  And no one appreciates a dog jumping up and putting their muddy paws on their clothes.  I really don't appreciate a dog jumping up on a small child and knocking the kid over.  But you know what?  Dogs don't know any better.  They are excited.  They jump.  They need to be taught not to jump up on people just like a toddler needs to be taught not to touch anything and everything.  I am so glad my husband knew to teach Abby not to jump.  Oddly enough, the only person she ever jumps at is my father-in-law and I can't fathom why she does it.  She just really seems unable to contain her excitement when he comes around. 
     So please...please....PLEASE teach your dog that it is not okay to jump on you, your kids, or anyone. As a bonus, you will enjoy being around your dog more. 

(Written by my daughter, Karen.)