Saturday, September 20, 2014

Abby's Boyfriend

     Our Abby is a full blooded Yellow Labrador retriever and we have the papers to prove it.  My husband had great plans to breed her when she matured.  I didn't agree.  I could only imagine that we would have more puppies than we could handle and it might be difficult to sell them.  I had three small children.  I didn't want any more workload on my shoulders.  He wouldn't back down and before we knew it, she went into heat for the first time.  
     Having had no experience with a female dog before Abby, I was unprepared.  We have a fenced in yard so Abby was safe under my supervision.  I guess when a female dog goes into heat; the male dogs from miles around can smell her.  So for the duration of her heat, we met about 10-15 new dogs we had never seen before!  We would come outside and there would be a black lab lurking along the fence line.  Another time, there would be a brown and white mutt out there or a tan cocker spaniel.  There would be several all around the fence at once!  And that is when we met Smokey for the first time.  Smokey is one of the mutts. He is short, brown, black, white, and very funny looking.  He “smiles” at you when he sees you….a weird, teeth chattering affair.  I can’t explain it, but it is funny.
     Smokey belongs to some neighbors up the road, who we have become friends with over the years because we have children close in age.  The attention from all those male dogs (who surely did not have papers to prove their worth) put fear in both my husband and me.  Neither one of us wanted mutt puppies that REALLY would be impossible to find homes for.  So we made an appointment and had Abby spayed that very week.  The male dogs stopped coming around.  Smokey still came.  We joked that Smokey was her boyfriend.  He was just too stupid to realize she had been fixed.  We found out much later that Ol’ Smokey was actually neutered.  I guess he saw all the other dogs coming and wanted to see what the hype was.
     When Abby got a little older, she developed a bad habit.  She began climbing over the fence and running away.  She would always come back home when she got tired of running, but it was worrisome.  We lived on a busy road and some people get angry if a dog runs onto their property. Too often, we saw her up the road or on the nearby golf course running with Smokey. She came home once after an adventure needing five stitches in the bottom of her paw. Allowing her to run simply was not safe.  Then we began to notice a pattern.  She would only run away when Smokey came to visit.  We bought her an invisible fence with a shock collar so she wouldn't run away any more.  Smokey still came to visit.  He would come strolling down the road and then grin at her and do a little dance.  It was as if he were trying to get her pumped up to run along with him.  She couldn't go.  She would get real excited to see him, they would sniff each other.  He would do his little dance again, but she would not go with him.  He would eventually run along without her.  Still, though, on some occasions, the battery in her collar would be dead, or she wouldn't have it on.  She always seemed to know when that was the case and off she would go for several hours.  Always, she would come home “dog tired.”  
     Sometimes Smokey would come into the fence and the children would close the gate and make him visit for awhile. One time, he came into the house because the back door was propped open.  He went under our bed and wouldn't come out for hours!  His owners weren't concerned.  Smokey often wanders.  His home life is a little different from Abby’s.  He lives in a dog house and comes and goes as he pleases, whereas Abby is spoiled and sleeps in the house spending a great deal of time in the air conditioning. Smokey actually got hit by a car once; he limped home and his owners never took him to the vet.  He limped for a while, but there were not any superficial wounds.  After all these years, history, and their different backgrounds, one thing has become apparent. Abby and Smokey are truly friends. The running joke is that they are boyfriend and girlfriend.
     They are both around ten years old now. They both have quite a bit of white on their faces. Abby doesn't act like she wants to run much anymore.  Smokey seems to hang more closely to his own home, too. We do still see him wander, but not nearly as often.  Recently I drove our truck up to the neighbor’s yard to drop something off.  Abby rode in the front seat with me.  Smokey was home that day, though.  He was happy to see his girl. He stood up and grinned.  She wagged her tail and barked a hello.  I didn't dare let her out.  They would have run away together for sure.  

These are our most recent photographs of Abby.  We don't have any of Smokey.  It would be risky to get those two together for a photo....surely they would run off!