Saturday, August 23, 2014

BAD BAD DOG (update)

     This is an update from the July 31, 2014 story.  With school having now started this month (August), the dog chasing begins again.  Can nothing be done about the dog?  Children walking home from school are once again confronted with the problem of the dog chasing them.
     A crowd gathers in the street composed of neighbors.  My son is included in this group as they watch the "I'm not the owner" guy try to catch the dog to chain him in his front yard.  Duh!  He's not the owner?  Then why is he chasing him in his yard to chain him up in his yard?
     A next door neighbor to the house where the dog lives comes outside and yells to the man.  "Is the dog chasing kids again?"
     My son speaks up, "I've already reported the dog myself,"  He says.  "Has not anyone else?"  No response by others as they continue to laugh at the man trying to catch the dog.  Once the dog is chained, the man walks up the street to the gathered crowd and says," He is NOT my dog."
     It is several days later now.  The dog remains at the "I'm not the owner's" house.  

Further updates may come later as it is a developing story with nothing being done...